


  1. Go to the root folder and run

  2. this creates a python virtual environment and installs all dependent packages.

  3. The virtualenv can be found in docs/build/.env


  1. For setup have a look at _BUILDINGDOC the documentation
  2. Once setup you, activate this environment for convenience source docs/build/.env/bin/activate
  3. Change the files in docs/source
  4. run make html from the docs directory

Review your documentation

  1. Run a local webserver in the background

    cd docs/build/html/
    python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 &
    cd -
  2. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000

  3. After each build refresh your browser to see the latest content

  4. When finished, shut down the webserver

    # list the processes running in the background
    # remember the number infront of the python -m SimpleHttpServer command
    fg <remembered number>
    # now hit ctrl+c to stop the server

Automatic Building on change

  1. Once setup you, activate this environment for convenience source docs/build/.env/bin/activate

  2. Start automatic build when editing a documentation if you want to see the latest changes in the browser

    watchmedo shell-command ./source/ --pattern '*.rst' --recursive --command 'make html' --ignore-patterns="*/.*" --wait
  3. when finished hit ctrl+c to stop the file watcher


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